Arne Kittler Arne Kittler

Clarity for Product Managers, Part 3: Role Clarity

Role clarity is how well you understand what’s expected from you and what you expect from others during collaboration. This usually has some general aspects such as what’s expected from a Senior PM in your organization, but often also has context-related aspects such as how to best act as a Senior PM within a particular team given its scope, the current situation, and the other team members involved.

Clarifying roles is even more crucial in temporary collaborations such as working groups or multi-team efforts for a joint product initiative. Sometimes this is just about who will feel responsible for scheduling a follow-up meeting or informing others of the progress, but it also involves mandates for decision-making.

As a PM it’s important not to rely on your superiors to provide complete role clarity for you, but to take the initiative to create it whenever you notice ambiguity.

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